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La Berlugane -
How to reach it 14 bv Marchal Leclerc 06310 Beaulieu sur Mer - France laberlugane @ Tel.: +33(0)4 93 01 04 42 - Fax +33(0)4 93 01 03 01 Wi-fi network available in the hall and conference room. Beaulieu is a generally expensive site, but we have negotiated with the Hotel these favourable conference rates :
Additional meals can be added on site (1 day in advance) at 18 Euros each.
Please make your own reservation (e-mail preferred) by indicating in the subject "Thermops meeting, observatoire de la Cote d'Azur".
Specify clearly: arrival dates, number of people, number of nights, meals you want to have on site (at 1 pm and/or 8 pm). Other practical infos can be found in the turist office web site. Zoom in on this map to see the locations of the hotel/restuarants/beaches.... Lots of hard work from LOC went into these beach and restaurant reviews for you. Tough Work. View Larger Map Or check this link |
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Name | Institute | Topicclick on title to get the abstract | notes |
Bidushi Bhattacharya | Caltech (USA) | Spitzer/TMO: Observation and Thermal Modelling | |
Miroslav Broz | Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Praha (Czech Republic) | Resonant Yarkovsky effect
| |
Humberto Campins | Universtity of Central Florida (USA) | Near- and Mi-Infrared Spectroscopy of Comet-Asteroid Transition Object 944 Hidalgo: Evidence for a Cometary Nature | |
Olivier Chesneau | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | Interferometry | to be confirmed |
Marco Delbo | Observatorie de la Cote d'Azur (France) | ||
Josh Emery | SETI Institute (USA) | Thermal modeling and emissivity mineralogical analysis of the Spitzer IRS asteroid data | |
Nikolaos Gortsas | DLR-Berlin (Germany) | Thermophysical model of the production rate of C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) | |
Simon Green | Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute, The Open University (UK) | ||
Olivier Groussin | Laboratoire d’Astrophysique, Marseille (France) | Thermal mapper for the Marco Polo space mission | |
Will Grundy | Lowell Observatory - Flagstaff (USA) | ||
Tristan Guillot | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | ||
Alan W. Harris | DLR-Berlin (Germany) | Spitzer and Hershel Observations of TNOs: Potential and Pitfalls - and/or - A Survey of Karin Cluster Asteroids with the Spitzer Space Telescope | |
Ellen Howel | Arecibo Observatory (Puerto Rico) | Thermal Infrared Observations of Several Near-Earth Asteroids | |
Uwe Keller | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (Germany) | ||
Michael Kelley | University of Central Florida (USA) | Spitzer Observations of Comet Surfaces | |
Erika Kaufmann | Space Research Institute Graz (Austria) | The Solid-State Greenhouse Effect on icy bodies | |
Ekkehard Kuehrt | DLR-Berlin (Germany) | ||
Javier Licandro | Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain) | CanariCam: a mid-infrared camera-spectrograph for the GTC | |
Sebastiano Ligori | INAF Osservatorio di Torino (Italy) | ||
Emmanuel Lellouch | Observatoire de Paris Meudon (France) | ||
Ikoma Masahiro | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Accretion of Exoplanet Atmospheres | |
Patrick Michel | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | ||
Arielle Moullet | Observatoire de Paris Meudon (France) | ALMA and the TNOs | to be confirmed |
Michael (Migo) Mueller | Steward Observatory, University of Arizona (USA) | Thermal inertia of small bodies from thermal observations during eclipses - and/or - YORP in the presence of surface roughness | |
Thomas Muller | MPE/MPG, Garching (Germany) | Asteroids as FIR/Submm/MM Calibrators | |
Richard O'Connell | Harvard University (USA) | Thermal modelling of super-Earths and layered planets | |
Ben Rozitis | The Open University (UK) | Thermal models for asteroids sample return missions | |
Sandeep Sahijpal | Department of Physics, Panjab Univeristy Chandigarh (India) | Thermal models of planetary differentiation of accreting planetesimals/asteroids with 26Al and 60Fe as the heat sources | |
Franck Selsis | Observatoire de Bordeaux (France) | Characterisation of exoplanets from their thermal emission | |
John Stansberry | Steward Observatory, University of Arizona (USA) | Transneptunian Objects | |
Mark Sykes | Planeatry Science Institute (PSI) (USA) | ||
Paolo Tanga | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | ||
Giovanna Tinetti | University College London (UK) | Extrasolar planets in the thermal infrared | to be confirmed |
Diana Valencia | Harvard University (USA) | ||
Kevin Walsh | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | Cool binary asteroids | |
Stephen Wolters | Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute, The Open University (UK) | The Night Emission Simulated Thermal Model for Near-Earth Asteroids | |
Ned Wright | UCLA Physics & Astronomy, Los Angeles CA (USA) | WISE and the Yarkovsky effect in the Baptistina family of asteroids |