The two main objectives of the project are the study of the internal structure of Jupiter thanks to the detection of acoustic oscillations, and the monitoring of the dynamics in the atmosphere.

Acoustic oscillations have been detected on Jupiter by Gaulme et al (2011), but the duration of the observations and the spatial resolution were not sufficient to fully identify the complete power spectrum. Actually, the daily interruptions in the observations are responsible of spurious lateral peaks in the Fourier spectrum which prevent us to measure individual frequencies, but gave us access only to the large separation between modes.  This separation was compatible with the value of the fundamental frequency of Jupiter has deduced by our models of the planet, but didn't permit to give more details on the structure. We therefore would need contnuous observations for at least 2 to 3 weeks, so to reach a temporal resolution of 1 µHz. With the present network, we should be able to get these observations and reach a noise level of less than 5 cm/s. The best moment for the observations should be between 2022 and 2024 for Jupiter, with a positive declination of the planet between september and december, with long enough nights.

The spatial resolution of the instrument allow to detect modes up to the degree 10 at least, around 30 with adaptive optics system.