coro bench

To diagnose the focal plane mask (FPM) of the PIAACMC, a separate coronagraphic test bench installed on a free area of the SPEED bench was developed. It allows testing FPMs including a spare of the SPEED PIAACMC FPM. The coronagraphic bench takes the light on the SPEED bench at the output of the OAP0 with a folding mirror and is made up of 200 mm focal length lenses in order to reduce the necessary distances. The separate bench and the SPEED bench have in common the same pupil configuration (central obstruction and spiders, but without segmentation), the same Lyot stop design, and the same F-number at the coronagraphic focus. The optical design is a 2f mount with a magnification of 1. Acronyms: OAP0 (off-axis parabola 0), FM (folding mirror), L1, L2, L3 (lenses), LP (lens inserted on the optical path when one needs to image the pupil on the science camera), ND (neutral density).