The Modules Experiment-ThEOry-Research are the core of MAUCA. They are interactive, research-focused teaching modules in which students simultaneously learn theoretical and practical skills. Most METEOR are related to existing or future international research projects, instruments, and/or space missions. All supervisors are research experts in the topics covered by the METEOR.
Each MAUCA student choose 5 METEORs, and a 6th among the METEORs abroad. The METEORs are grouped in six categories, represented here below. Each student must choose METEORs covering at least four categories.
MAUCA structures allows to build an à la carte Master, adapted to each student. The choice of METEORs puts emphasis on:
- Research: emphasis is on fundamental research. In this track, the METEORs should cover 4 out of the categories 1 to 5. It ensures a large background in fundamental Astrophysics and related techniques.
- Space & industry: emphasis on space missions. In this track, the METEORs should cover the categories 4, 5, 6 and at least one of the following METEOR related to space missions: JUICE, MICROSCOPE and Bepi-Colombo. It ensures a large background in Space sciences and skills required by the industry.
Check out the conditions to validate courses, semesters, and years (Méthode de contrôle des connaissances) here.
1. Planetary sciences

Atmospheres of stars and exoplanets
Analyze JWST spectra of exoplanets!
V. Parmentier & A. Chiavassa - Syllabus

Planet-disk interactions
Simulate planet migrating within accretion disks in the lab!
A. Crida, H. Méheut & E. Lega - Syllabus

JUICE - JUpiter ICy moons Explorer
Study the interior of Jupiter moons with a space mission!
A. Fienga & A. Mémin - Syllabus

Asteroid Polarimetry: Observation and Analysis
Explore exotic properties of asteroids!
Ph. Bendjoya - Syllabus
2. Stellar and galactic physics

Astrophysics of Gaseous and Dusty Nebulae
Understand planetary nebulae and analyze their morphology with VLT images!
P. de Laverny & É. Lagadec - Syllabus

Exoplanets and their Parent Stars
Understand the internal structure and evolution of exoworlds!
O. Creevey, L. Bigot, T. Guillot & R. Ligi- Syllabus

Stellar Pulsation and Evolution
Probe stellar interior from their surface pulsation!
M. Chadid - Syllabus

Planetary Dynamics and Stellar Evolution
Model the fate of planets in the late stage of stellar evolution!
Ph. Bendjoya & G. Niccolini - Syllabus

High resolution spectroscopy from planets to stars
Unlock the environment of star formation!
B. Thorsbro & M. Schultheis - Syllabus

Galactic Archeology
Decipher the Milky Way formation and evolution!
A. Recio-Blanco & P. de Laverny - Syllabus
3. Extragalactic, cosmology & relativity

Relativistic Gravitation and Astrophysics
Study the geometry of space and time!
B. Chauvineau - Syllabus

Formation et Evolution of Galaxies
Study the growth of comoslogical structures!
É. Slezak - Syllabus

Galaxy clusters : from astrophysics to cosmology
Witness the expansion of the Universe!
C. Benoist - Syllabus

Evolution of galaxies from panchromatic emission
Understand the diversity of galaxies!
M. Boquien - Syllabus
4. Signal processing & numerical methods
5. Astronomical optics & instrumentation

Free Space Laser Links for Space applications
Measure the distance to the Moon with a laser!
J. Chabé - Syllabus

Software Engineering For Astronomy
Bridge astrophysics and computer sciences!
P. Martinez - Syllabus