The sudden disappearence of a star brings a wealth of information on small Solar System objects. ACROSS targets challeging stellar occultations.By exploiting the the immense accuracy of Gaia stellar data we can now predict and observe events by Near Earth Asteroids. Our projects support the DART and Hera missions, by targeting in particular occultations by the asteroid Didymos. The support of the amateur community and the organisation of specific campaign are at the core of our project.

Stellar occultations provide extremely accurate asteroid positions to study their dynamics. Check the GOALS of the ACROSS project.

How to obtain useful measurements? Which equipment do you need? We provide TUTORIALS for the observers.

Main events and tools to know where and when to observe. We compute optimized PREDICTIONS for our critical targets.

A summary of preliminary RESULTS obtained in the observation of occultations by Near Earth Asteroids.

News about the ACROSS project and quick updates on our campaign are provided by the BLOG pages.

Looking for contacts and the people behind the ACROSS project? Have a look here to the TEAM.
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